'버그'에 해당되는 글 2건
- 2008.11.10 Trac 0.11.2가 릴리즈되었네요.
- 2008.08.28 TOW 0.3.0 알파1의 버그, 개선사항 및 해결방법 4
2008. 11. 10. 13:16
Trac 0.11.2가 릴리즈되었네요.
2008. 11. 10. 13:16 in Trac
릴리즈노트는 아래와 같습니다.
Bug fixes:
* Fixes potential DOS vulnerability with certain wiki markup.
Reported by Matt Murphy.
* Improved HTML sanitizer filter to detect possible phishing attempts.
Reported by Simon Willison.
* MySQL db backend improvement (reconnect after idle timeout #4465)
* TicketQuery speed improvements (#6436)
* Fixes for RSS feeds (timeline entries no longer truncated #7316,
no longer download some feeds under Firefox #3899)
* Search now works for custom fields (#2530)
* Same order for ticket fields for new and existing tickets (#7018)
* Enforce fine-grained permission for "quickjump" search results
* E-mail obfuscation was not done in a few remaining places (#7688,
* Uninstall of plugins from WebAdmin was not working - feature disabled
for now
* More robust pagination of results for reports and custom queries
(#7424, #7544)
* Support for newer version of pygments (#7622)
* Documentation updated (#7603, #7205, #7318)
Minor improvements:
* Better support for Wiki page hierarchy (show path #2780, link to
parent #2150)
* Custom query allow to search in description and other text fields
다운로드는 http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracDownload 에서 하시면 되겠습니다.
릴리즈노트 출처: http://trac.edgewall.org/browser/tags/trac-0.11.2/RELEASE
p.s. TOW 0.3 버전 정식 버전에 이 버전을 적용해야겠네요. 언제가 될지는 모르겠지만요...
Bug fixes:
* Fixes potential DOS vulnerability with certain wiki markup.
Reported by Matt Murphy.
* Improved HTML sanitizer filter to detect possible phishing attempts.
Reported by Simon Willison.
* MySQL db backend improvement (reconnect after idle timeout #4465)
* TicketQuery speed improvements (#6436)
* Fixes for RSS feeds (timeline entries no longer truncated #7316,
no longer download some feeds under Firefox #3899)
* Search now works for custom fields (#2530)
* Same order for ticket fields for new and existing tickets (#7018)
* Enforce fine-grained permission for "quickjump" search results
* E-mail obfuscation was not done in a few remaining places (#7688,
* Uninstall of plugins from WebAdmin was not working - feature disabled
for now
* More robust pagination of results for reports and custom queries
(#7424, #7544)
* Support for newer version of pygments (#7622)
* Documentation updated (#7603, #7205, #7318)
Minor improvements:
* Better support for Wiki page hierarchy (show path #2780, link to
parent #2150)
* Custom query allow to search in description and other text fields
다운로드는 http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracDownload 에서 하시면 되겠습니다.
릴리즈노트 출처: http://trac.edgewall.org/browser/tags/trac-0.11.2/RELEASE
p.s. TOW 0.3 버전 정식 버전에 이 버전을 적용해야겠네요. 언제가 될지는 모르겠지만요...
2008. 8. 28. 13:50
TOW 0.3.0 알파1의 버그, 개선사항 및 해결방법
2008. 8. 28. 13:50 in 사용자 가이드
현재까지 알려진 것을 정리해봅니다.
리포트 해주신 분들 감사합니다. ^^
- PYTHON_HOME 변수대신 PYTHONHOME을 써야 기존 Python과 충돌되지 않는다. (이문영님 보고) => 반영
- add-perm, list-perm, remove-perm 스크립트에서 에러 발생 (kermi님 보고) => 반영. 아래와 같이 수정하면 해결됩니다.
수정된 add-perm.bat 파일@echo off
call set-tow.bat
if "%3"=="" goto usage
call trac-admin %1 permission add %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto end
수정된 list-perm.bat 파일@echo off
call set-tow.bat
if "%1"=="" goto usage
call trac-admin %1 permission list %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto end
call lang LIST_PERM_USAGE %0
수정된 remove-perm.bat 파일@echo off
call set-tow.bat
if "%3"=="" goto usage
call trac-admin %1 permission remove %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto end
리포트 해주신 분들 감사합니다. ^^